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Motorola Ventures invests in TuneWiki

Tribune staff report | Motorola’s strategic investment arm, Motorola Ventures, said it has invested inTuneWiki Ltd., a provider of next-generation social media music players and related applications. Motorola acted as lead investor and was joined by several other investors.

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Motorola’s new Devour phone to offer Motoblur

devour.jpgBy Wailing Wong  | Motorola Inc. unveiled a new Android-powered mobile phone that will be available next month from Verizon Wireless.

The phone, called the Devour, has a touchscreen and slide-out keyboard and runs Motoblur, a proprietary service that aggregates social networking data such as Facebook and Twitter updates, and streams that content to the phone in real time.

Motorola introduced Motoblur late last year with the Cliq phone, available through T-Mobile.

The price was not disclosed.

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Motorola to expands service in Africa

From Reuters: Motorola Inc. said it has signed deal with Zain to expand the operator’s mobile network into rural parts of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation.

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