Motorola’s new Devour phone to offer Motoblur

Posted Feb. 3, 2010 at 1:07 p.m.

devour.jpgBy Wailing Wong  | Motorola Inc. unveiled a new Android-powered mobile phone that will be available next month from Verizon Wireless.

The phone, called the Devour, has a touchscreen and slide-out keyboard and runs Motoblur, a proprietary service that aggregates social networking data such as Facebook and Twitter updates, and streams that content to the phone in real time.

Motorola introduced Motoblur late last year with the Cliq phone, available through T-Mobile.

The price was not disclosed.

Motorola is planning to launch 20 Android smart phones this year as part of an ambitious turnaround plan designed by co-Chief Executive Sanjay Jha. Most of the new devices will run Motoblur, which Jha is planning to expand beyond social networking to tackle other areas such as multimedia.

Motorola’s other Android phone at Verizon Wireless, the Droid, does not run Motoblur. Instead, the Droid is a “Google experience” device, meaning it’s designed to showcase integration of Google’s mobile software features.

Also awaiting release is the Backflip, an Android phone that Motorola introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last month. That device is widely expected to be available at AT&T, although Motorola has not announced the carrier or when it will be available.



  1. marcdarch Feb. 10, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    These phones are amazing. I have a Droid and its a game changer. As good if not better than the iphone. How this company is doing poorly I can not understand.

  2. atnt cell phones Feb. 15, 2010 at 9:09 a.m.

    I bought the LG Dare about a year and a half ago and it’s basically a cheap wannabe iPhone. You just can’t compare the touchscreen with that of the iPhone, though I will say it’s camera and video recorder are very good. I’m just waiting for the iphone to be sold through Verizon, and I hope it’s soon because my Dare is falling apart.. Hurry up Apple, stop being so “exclusive”!