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Major spam network shut down

Microsoft Corp. and federal law enforcement agents seized computer equipment from Internet hosting facilities in Chicago and other U.S.cities on Wednesday, in a sweeping legal attack designed to cripple the leading source of junk email on the Internet. Get the full story »

Walgreen Co. warns about unauthorized e-mails

Customers subscribing to Walgreen Co.’s e-mail distribution list should be on the look-out for spam directing them to another site and then asking for personal data.

According to a company spokesman, Walgreens became aware of “unauthorized access” to its e-mail list, “about a week ago,” and began notifying subscribers this morning. Get the full story »

Feds check wrong person’s e-mail in spam probe

It’s the online equivalent of police breaking down the wrong door.

Court documents show that a typo caused federal investigators in Milwaukee to go through an innocent person’s e-mail account as they tried to track down an alleged Russian spammer.

An FBI agent says in a search-warrant affidavit that as soon as he discovered his mistake he stopped reviewing the e-mails, sealed them and sought a new search warrant for the correct address. Get the full story »

Accused ’spam king’ pleads not guilty

A Russian man accused of masterminding a vast worldwide spamming network has pleaded not guilty in a Wisconsin federal court.

Oleg Nikolaenko was arraigned Friday morning in Milwaukee. The 23-year-old Moscow man was slightly disheveled in his orange prison jumpsuit. His attorney entered the plea while a Russian interpreter translated for Nikolaenko. Get the full story »

Gmail to add mind-reading priority mailbox

Google is adding a new feature in Gmail that will automatically spotlight important e-mails and separate out the ones you can wait to read later.

The tool, called “priority inbox,“ works like a spam filter, except instead of filtering e-mails that you definitely don’t want to see, it moves the ones you really want to the top. Google said the feature will help users sort through inboxes that fill up with hundreds of automated e-mails that don’t need immediate attention. Get the full story »