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Google working on phone with built-in payment tool

Google Inc. is taking another stab at designing a game-changing mobile phone, this time by including a built-in payment system that could eventually enable the devices to replace credit cards. The new phone got a brief preview Monday when Google CEO Eric Schmidt took the stage to kick off the Web 2.0 summit, a technology conference held annually in San Francisco.

Schmidt confirmed that Google has been working on a sophisticated new computer chip and an upgrade of its Android mobile operating system that will include a payment processing tool. He showed off the new phone with the device’s name and manufacturer concealed. Get the full story »

Sprint’s Tablet is cheaper, but requires a contract

The Samsung Galaxy Tab. (Odd Andersen/AFP/Getty Images)

Sprint Nextel plans to sell its iPad rival, the Galaxy Tab from Samsung Electronics, for a third less than the tablet computer’s price tag at Verizon Wireless. But the offer still comes with a catch that at least one analyst said would limit sales.

On Nov. 14, Sprint will kick off sales for the $400 Tab, seen as the most credible competitor so far to Apple Inc.’s popular iPad, which has been on sale for $630 since earlier this year.

But while Sprint customers will pay less up front, they may end up forking over more cash over time. The discount comes with a two-year contract requiring monthly service fees starting at $29.99 for two gigabytes of data downloads. Get the full story »

Verizon prices Samsung Tab just under iPad

Verizon Wireless, the No. 1 U.S. mobile service, plans to sell Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy Tab for $30 less than Apple Inc’s iPad, but analysts say the new tablet computer is priced too high. Get the full story »

Samsung unveils iPad competitor Galaxy

Samsung Galaxy Tab (Samsung)Samsung Electronics Co. is unveiling a new tablet PC named Galaxy Tab as the latest device meant to rival Apple Inc.’s popular iPad.

Samsung Europe executive Thomas Richter said Thursday the device will offer users “a new galaxy of possibilities” with features such as mobile video conferencing and a video chat function. Get the full story »