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Banks boosting rates on long-term CDs

Attention, beleaguered savers: Banks across the nation, including Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Northern Trust Corp., are bumping up rates on longer-term certificates of deposit.

In general, rates had fallen since the financial crisis. “Last week was the first broad-based move higher in quite some time,” says Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at Get the full story »

AGI moving some operations to suburban Chicago

A London-based company which makes packaging materials for CDs and DVDs says it is closing its Jacksonville plant and laying off its 80 workers there. AGI tells the (Springfield) State Journal-Register the Jacksonville operations will move to a suburban Chicago facility by the end of June. Get the full story »

Sony to shut U.S. plant as CD sales fall

Sony Corp. says it will shut down a CD manufacturing plant in the United States by the end of March and its 310 workers will be laid off. Sony spokeswoman Mami Imada said Tuesday the plant closure in New Jersey was due to declining CD sales as more people opt to buy music digitally. Get the full story »