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DraftFCB Chicago gets to brand Tombstone

From MediaBistro | Food giant Nestle USA has handed marketing duties for its Tombstone frozen pizza to DraftFCB Chicago. In a statement, Nestle director of marketing Todd Macsuga said DraftFCB “demonstrated an ability to uncover and activate meaningful product, shopper, and consumer insights, and ultimately deliver a powerful creative expression.”

Groupon to tweak Super Bowl commercials

An image from Groupon's Tibet ad. (Groupon)

Groupon Inc. is reworking its television commercials in response to the negative reception they received when they aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl.

Chief Executive Andrew Mason said in a Monday blog post that the company is tweaking the end of the ads to draw attention to the philanthropic causes they were intended to support.

“Ads are traditionally about shameless self promotion, and we’ve always strived to have a more honest and respectful conversation with our customers,” Mason wrote. “We would never have run these ads if we thought they trivialized the causes — even if we didn’t take them as seriously as we do, what type of company would go out of their way to be so antagonistic?” Get the full story »

DraftFCB could be hit by S.C. Johnson’s ad review

From The Chicago Sun-Times | S.C. Johnson, a home products manufacturer in Racine, Wis., said last week that is putting the advertising accounts for its entire global portfolio of iconic brands into review, something that could “spell disaster” for DraftFCB/Chicago. DraftFCT, one of the largest global advertising agency networks with headquarters in both Chicago and New York, has handled advertising for a huge number of S.C. Johnson brands since 1953, including well-known products such as Pledge, Windex and Raid.

TV stations get jolt with $3B in campaign ads

For TV viewers, this cutthroat election year is a riot of attack ads and media saturation made possible by big-money donors. For TV stations, it’s a stimulus package.

One research group expects TV political spending to hit a record $3 billion. The windfall may continue well past Election Day because regular advertisers are getting squeezed out of the schedule and could spend their ad budgets later.