Motorola introduces new board of directors

By Wailin Wong
Posted Dec. 1, 2010 at 10:32 a.m.

Motorola unveiled Wednesday its board of directors for Motorola Solutions, one of the two new companies that will result from a planned split in January.

The separation is scheduled for Jan. 4, 2011. On that date, Motorola will spin off Motorola Mobility, a company led by current co-Chief Executive Sanjay Jha that will focus on mobile devices and television set-top boxes. The remaining company, headed by co-CEO Greg Brown, will become Motorola Solutions and trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “MSI.” Motorola Solutions will make communications equipment and software for public safety, government and industrial sectors.

The new board will have nine members and include several veteran Motorola directors: David Dorman, former CEO of AT&T; Samuel Scott III, former CEO of Corn Products International; Douglas “Sandy” Warner, former CEO of JP Morgan; and John White, former chancellor of the University of Arkansas. Dorman is Motorola’s current non-executive chairman but will become lead independent director, with Brown becoming chairman in May 2011.

Judy Lewent, the former chief financial officer of Merck & Co., is also joining Motorola Solutions’ board. She was a Motorola director from 1995 to May 2010.

The new faces on Motorola Solutions’ board are Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency; William Bratton, former chief of the Los Angeles Police Department and commissioner of the New York City Police Department; and Vincent Intrieri, a senior managing director of Icahn Capital LP. Activist investor Carl Icahn, who had pushed for Motorola to split, has an 11.3 percent stake in the company, according to his latest regulatory filings.

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