Rubicon secondary offering priced at $30 a share

Posted June 16, 2010 at 8:25 a.m.

By Michael Oneal | Rubicon
Technology Inc., a Franklin Park materials science company that went
public in 2007, priced a secondary offering of 2.6 million shares of
common stock at $30 per share. The company will sell 1.8 million shares, while selling shareholders
will unload  834,000 shares. Rubicon hopes to raise $50.2 million, or
$61.5 million if it sees an opportunity to exercise an over-allotment

Rubicon, which has a proprietary process for growing monocrystalline sapphire and other crystalline products for light-emitting diodes, radio frequency integrated circuits, blue laser diodes, optoelectronics, and other optical applications.
The stock has risen from a 52-week low of $8.70 a share to a close yesterday of $31.50.

Chicago-based CBOE Holding Inc. on Tuesday surprised the market by completing a highly-successful initial public offering in a sluggish environment for IPOs. Smaller companies like Rubicon, however, have been having a more difficult go of it this year experts said.


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