Registration open for Bike to Work Week

Posted May 5, 2010 at 9:30 a.m.

By Julie Wernau | If that bicycle is still in winter storage, The Active Transportation
Alliance wants you to take it out and bike to work.

Registration is open for the Alliance’s annual Bike to Work Week, June
12-18, and about 250 Chicagoland companies — including Bank of America,
Google and United Airlines — have registered to forgo motor vehicles
and public transit in favor of bicycles.

The annual competition asks co-workers to form teams and agree to bike at least one day that week. Teams submit their results online.

Last year, 322 businesses, schools and organization went helmet-to-helmet. Winners included the Department of Transportation, The Field Museum, Moody Bible Institute, Northwestern University Library, SRAM, Center for Neighborhood Technology and the Chicago Department of Environment.

Team leaders can be anyone at the company, the alliance said, and Active Trans will supply bike maps, how-to-manuals and “duel cards” to challenge competitors. The winners are those companies with the highest percentage of bike commuters in the week.



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