More companies drop Blackberries for iPhones

Posted May 20, 2010 at 12:20 p.m.

Reuters | BlackBerry smartphones are firmly attached to the belt
loops of most business travelers, but there are signs Apple’s trendy
iPhone is making inroads into board rooms and offices.

Drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc has begun iPhone trials with some senior
executives and British bank Standard Chartered has given its corporate
BlackBerry users the option of switching to the iPhone, a move that
could result in thousands of bankers switching to the Apple device for
business on the go.

“We get a lot of requests for support in the United States and Asia Pacific for the iPhone,” said Michael Reid AstraZeneca’s mobility architect, who helps oversee company business communications. “In terms of consuming my time, that’s one of the most dominant requests.”

The demands became particularly fervent in late December, after many employees received iPhones as holiday gifts.

“We had a pretty mad scramble,” said Reid.

BlackBerry remains dominant. Technology experts cite the handheld’s tight security features and the ease of coordinating its “rock-solid” applications, such as mail and calendars.

BlackBerry shipments outpaced those of iPhone by 20 percent in the first quarter of this year, according to researcher iSupply Corp.

“We’re not currently considering switching to iPhones primarily because BlackBerry provides us a great deal more control and management of the individual devices with a centralized server,” John Tipton, the head of information technology for data firm Morningstar Inc, said in an email. “That said, we know we’re going to see more and more iPhones.”

A Research in Motion spokeswoman said the company could not comment, citing the “quiet period” before its earnings release, but cited previously released statistics showing the company has shipped more than 90 million BlackBerry smartphones and its subscriber base rose 65 percent in fiscal 2010, according to the company.

An Apple spokeswoman noted comments by Apple’s Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer in January that more than 70 percent of Fortune 100 companies are either deploying or piloting the iPhone. Some 50 million iPhones have been sold, according to the company.


Company tech specialists insist the iPhone will never supplant BlackBerry entirely.

“BlackBerry is still a very big, dominant device in financial services and within most of of the professions we cater to,” said James Powell, chief technology officer for information and news provider Thomson Reuters Corp. “I think you’d be crazy to talk about replacing all BlackBerrys.”

Users also praise the device’s “intense” security, which protects data from falling into the wrong hands, and they cite the ease of coordinating Outlook emails and calendars with workplace desk computers.

But the iPhone’s thousands of applications, plus phone service, make it quite popular for users who do not want to carry more than one device.

“The applications have changed the game,” said Mitchel Friedman, senior vice president for RCS Real Estate Advisors.

RCS’s tech specialist has already integrated one iPhone after an executive’s request and Friedman expected more to follow.

“It’s easier to have one standard system, but in our microcosm, the iPhone is starting to creep in,” said Friedman.


Thomson Reuters, along with AstraZeneca, is testing iPhones for possible corporate use after employees said they did not want to carry two devices and examining rules that might be needed to control or direct their use.

Ken Dulaney, an analyst for research firm Gartner, said he is getting five calls a week from companies looking for advice on integrating the iPhone into their networks. That is up from one call every two weeks, about 18 months ago, he said. He added that the calls are pouring in because company employees are begging to integrate their new Apple smartphones.

Interest is “white hot,” said Dulaney.

“If the IT shops had their way, they would just have BlackBerry, but they don’t have the power any more. The end user has the power,” he added.



  1. Corporate Geek May 20, 2010 at 1:05 pm

    “If the IT shops had their way, they would just have BlackBerry, but they don’t have the power any more. The end user has the power.”
    Don’t you believe it for a second. It’s not the end user that has the power in the corporate world these days (at least when talking about technology products) – it’s the information and/or corporate security teams. You’ll find more and more corporations locking down their company-issued Blackberry units, and those sorts of protections are just not there for the iPhone.
    Don’t get me wrong – I’m on the verge of trading my personal Blackberry for the new iPhone when it allegedly is released in June – but the iPhone is just not corporate-security-friendly enough for most major corporations yet.

  2. leonard hamilton May 20, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Depends on who the end user is. If it is the company president or a high ranking executive, then Iphone is what will be distributed to them. Most users prefer the Iphone. But for security reasons, the article is true, Blackberry will maintain the pace. But with technology today, change is only a few clicks away. Remember, Novell and WordPerfect ruled the day until Microsoft took over.

  3. Critic May 20, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    One of the biggest reason for not having an iPhone: AT&T.
    Yet, Apple and AT&T only have to convince a few top execs that iPhone’s are what is needed. Just because there are a gazillion apps doesn’t mean iPhone is the best use of a company’s resources.

  4. Jamie May 20, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    I have to carry 2 devices because AT&T will only allow C level and higher managers to get iPHONE. I hate the BB and usually have calls forwarded to Iphone and tell everyone to contact me on iPhone.

  5. Jim May 20, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    Apple needs to get the IPhone off ATT and on a carrier that works

  6. Change is good May 20, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    The new release (4.0) of the OS for the Iphone comes w/the security pieces corporate IT needs. The remote erase, and correct SSL are some of the features. The other problem is you have to have the 2nd gen of the latest IPhone. Only that one can be correctly encrypted. So it will take some time for these to integrate.