ICE buys Chicago Climate Exchange

Posted April 30, 2010 at 5:31 a.m.

By Greg Burns | An
Atlanta-based competitor to CME Group Inc. said Friday it has agreed to
pay $604 million for Climate Exchange PLC, the London-based operator of
the Chicago Climate Exchange and Chicago Climate Futures Exchange –
pioneers in emissions trading. The deal by IntercontinentalExchange,
known as ICE, also includes the European Climate Exchange.

“The combination of Climate Exchange’s emissions markets and ICE’s
futures and OTC energy markets is an important and logical strategic
combination for our customers and shareholders,” said ICE Chairman
Jeffrey Sprecher.
The deal is a milestone for Chicagoan Richard Sandor, Climate Exchange
chairman, who said the acquisition makes “strategic sense.” ICE had
bought a 4.8 percent stake in the exchange last year, and already
provides an electronic trading platform and clearing services.



  1. Southernsider April 30, 2010 at 11:16 a.m.

    So Al Gore isn’t the only one getting rich from promoting the global warming scam.

  2. subgenius April 30, 2010 at 11:57 a.m.

    glenn beck has been talking about this scam lately.
    i agree with him – it’s like ‘buying imaginary objects’ in that nothing real is produced or sold, but imaginary AIR.
    let’s shift some money from one wealthy group to another. nice. glad to see ALGORE is still scamming us after 10 years being out of office.
    the rich get richer – the poor get poorer.

  3. tom0942 April 30, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    Man-made global warming is a myth.

  4. Speedracerx9 April 30, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    The bigger question is what motivates companies to trade thin air and make or louse money. It’s GOVERNMENT REGULATION. It’s the people we elect who set up these scams to enrich themselves. Obama is also a stock holder in this group. Good Luck people.

  5. Diogenes April 30, 2010 at 8:19 pm

    Zero is a criminal and enemy of the nation.

  6. Diogenes April 30, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    Zero is a criminal and enemy of the nation.

  7. Don Hank April 30, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    I have this dream that these people who are trading air and water for money will one day wake up dead broke and weeping real bitter tears.

  8. Trader April 30, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    You guys are idiots. Do you even know what you are talking about?
    The CCX does much of its trading in NOx and SO2 contracts. These are the credits that dirty power plants buy from clean power plants. The result: payments that hurt dirty plants and reward clean ones. This is how we got rid of leaded gasoline, CFCs, and the acid rain crisis years ahead of schedule and for cheaper than the government+fines could have done it.
    I’m very pro-environment and I’m pro CCX. It’s a market-based solution that cleans up the air faster and rewards businesses more the cleaner they are — and penalizes them more the dirtier they are. That has reduced upper respiratory ailments and deaths by thousands over the past few years.
    But clean air faster and cheaper than government caps is bad? Go smoke more crack.

  9. HPS April 30, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    I have to agree after watching the Glen Beck specials and doing some of my own reasearch it’s no wonder they are again moving their money.. have to say government money laundering wonderful.. but than what would you expect for the CHICAGO boys? BTW I have sent out both articles to all my friends one is doing some work on this.. it’s a shame that TRADER is already brain dead and THINKS this is a good idea.. must have stock in the company..

  10. Michele May 1, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    It’s all a bunch of junk! There is NO SUCH THING as man made global warming….the left has been saying it so much that it’s part of their psyche now…like….man made disasters instead of terrorism for God’s sake!. You must take a serious look at all of this people. Who is going to gain from this? How in the world can so many people really believe this garbage. It is truly mind boggling.
    The only man made disaster here is the enriching of these global thieves at the expense of the hard working individual. STARVE THE BEAST!!! We must stop contributing to their power and wealth. Be informed. Call your Congressmen and Senators and tell them to stop negotiations on Cap and Tax and to investigate the EPA…see what kind of communications it’s (the EPA) having and with who. This president has proven if he can’t get it passed through legislation, he’ll go around them and get his agenda done some other way.

  11. ChefKadie May 1, 2010 at 12:53 pm

    @Trader, when “dirty” companies buy credits from “clean” companies, its a zero sum game. There is no decrease in dirty air. One continues to pump out dirty air but has bought credits that a cleaner company isn’t using, how is that better? It is trading air, its a system designed to enrich the gov’t through the Clean Air Act & EPA. wake the heck. I lived in an area that had two nuke plants and a chemical company, and a coal burning electricity plant the air quality was lousy, guess how the coal burning plant & chemical plant were still able to pollute MY air? They bought credits from a “cleaner” company, explain to me again how that benefits ME and my lungs????

  12. Michele May 1, 2010 at 1:00 pm

    This is all a bunch of junk! There is no such thing as “MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING!” The left has used this so much that it’s now part of their psyche…like “Man Made Disasters” instead of calling it what it really is…Terrorism! I really can’t believe that people are so gullible to believe this garbage.
    It’s time to wake up people! The only ones with anything to gain from this are the “global climate terrorists” that want only to enrich themselves at the expense of the hard working individual. You have to really take a look at this…who’s behind this garbage and what do they have to gain from this scam? They have been getting rich for the last few decades by getting governments to actually fund the research into this junk science…and truth be told, their research has turned up ZILCH. To the contrary, what it’s turned up of cooked books to appear that there is such a thing as man made global warming. Period!
    WE MUST STARVE THE BEAST! WE MUST BE INFORMED! WE MUST GET OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONES AND GET INTO ACTION! Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them to cease and desist from further negotiations on Cap and Tax and to also call for an investigation into the EPA. We want to know who’s calling the shots. Trust me, if Cap and Tax doesn’t pass (and I PRAY it doesn’t) this president will do something through the EPA to funnel funds to these corrupt global warming terrorists AKA Al Gore,etc.
    There also needs to be a full investigation into this criminal organization…why did they decide to sell just as news leaked out about the connections with the White House and the ex-chairman of Fannie Mae? Ironically, the same day Glenn did his show, the chairman and Founder of CCX, Richard Sandor, appeared on CNBC on Monday (the day Glenn’s show aired) touting how big this scam would be and how much the company could potentially make.
    He also appeared in Louisiana at an event that same day to receive the 2010 John H. Dales Memorial Leadership in Environmental Markets Award.
    Smells a little fishy to me. How about you?

  13. jsbrodhead May 1, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Michele, If you see, or hear something “fishy”, maybe you should report it to flag@white
    I’m kidding: 1.) we shut that corrupt website down and 2.) they won’t listen anyway.
    This CCX and carbon credits [stuff] is just a crock of barack! Also known as LIES! We the People will have SOOOO many regulations, laws, out-right lies to disassemble, once we throw the bums out… I can’t wait for the day it becomes boring to watch the transparency on CSPAN!
    BTW: I self-reported on flag@whitehouse AND reported Obama for spreading lies about Obummercare.
    ANYONE who expects me to believe one word from the mouth of Obamadinejad and his Proggy friends, is full of barack!

  14. Lavonne May 1, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    yes We all need to call our congressman,but alot of the liberals have already signed on to this scam. If congress passes this, we the American people will pay. Obama said before he was elected that this would raise our light bills.What does he care, he travels all over the world at taxpayer expense. The elete are scrambelling to cover. This is as distructive to our economy as the oil spill. God help us. We all need to get on our knees and pray for the Lord to save us.

  15. EDFmarie May 2, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    I personally would be happy to pay an extra $4 a month–the added cost for individuals of the clean energy bill as estimated by the Congressional Budget Office and the U.S. Department of Energy–for all the benefits the clean energy bill will bring. That $4 investment from myself and everyone else will encourage innovation and new efficient technology that ultimately will lower all of our energy bills. It will reduce the amount of money we’re sending overseas to buy oil from nations with anti-American interests, and instead put that money into energy sources that are made in America and provide jobs for Americans. This legislation is about regaining control of our energy future and putting our money into energy sources that will make America secure, safe, and strong. I hope Senators Burris and Durbin can see what an opportunity the clean energy bill is, and that they will vote in favor of it when it comes to the Senate floor.

  16. Patrick scully May 3, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    CCX, was Just sold by the Creators of the CCX scam? what does that tell you? they are giving up on a projected $10TRIL scheme, before it even gets started!! Richard Sandor is a genious!!! He Got a WHOLE BUNCH OF SCHMUCKS to buy the Gimmick, and sold it for $604Million!! if it was a legit proposition, wouldnt they have held onto it or at least sold it for BILLIONS not MIllions? Also, the Cap and trade Bill is Blowing around the senate floor like garbage in Nycity.. without Cap and trade Bill being passed, it Kills the scam!! WAKE up you SCHMUCKS!!! DAMN, alot of you people are stupid!!

  17. cjk June 17, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    I am shocked at how ignorant everyone posting is. First of all, global warming is PROVEN and has been proven by SCIENTISTS, not “crazy liberals”. I don’t understand why people just blindly believe whatever fox news or any other channel tells them. Cap and Trade is a step in the right direction. It may not solve everything, but at least they are trying to create a profitable means of reducing global warming. Whomever mentioned “eletes” in an above post…’s spelled “elites”. I’m not saying that’s a representation of your intelligence level, but it’s a little pathetic when you’re trying to come across as educated about something you obviously know nothing about.
