Figuring out if mom can stay home with kids

Posted April 5, 2010 at 8:17 a.m.

By Gail MarksJarvis | I was at a gathering the other day and talking to a former lawyer, who told me she is having second thoughts about deciding years ago to stay home to raise her three children. The couple has been saving money for college, but likely not enough for elite schools. And while their children are happy and well adjusted the woman wonders if they made a mistake trying to live on one income.

For many couples, the financial challenges of living on a single income are greater than this family’s. That’s why a worksheet developed by Jean Chatzky, author of “Money 101,” could help a couple trying to decide whether to dare live on one income.

Get the full story: MarksJarvis on Money


One comment:

  1. financial worksheet form June 25, 2010 at 9:05 a.m.

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