Colorado man loses pinkie in iPad theft

Posted April 20, 2010 at 3:25 p.m.

ipad.JPGAssociated Press | A thief’s thirst for a brand new iPad cost a
Colorado man not only a much-coveted device but also two-thirds of a
pinky finger, police said.

Doctors had to amputate part of Bill
Jordan’s left pinky after a man yanked away a bag containing an iPad
that Jordan had just purchased at a Denver mall.

This image taken from video and released by the Denver police. (AP Photo/Denver Police) >>

Jordan, 59, had the cord of the bag wrapped around his left hand when
the thief “completely blind-sided” him and jerked the bag off his hand,
stripping the flesh of Jordan’s finger down to the bone.

“He kept pulling until something had to give, and it wound up being my finger,” Jordan said in an interview Tuesday.

“There was nothing but bone showing on the whole back of the pinky,” Jordan said. “The skin was just gone.”

Jordan, of Aurora east of Denver, said he had no idea anyone was following him when he left an Apple store and he didn’t expect to be robbed of his purchase in broad daylight.

Jordan said he had purchased the tablet computer for a friend in Canada, where the iPad is not yet available for purchase. He hasn’t had a chance to tell his friend yet.

Because the item was heavy, he had wrapped the bag’s handle — a thick cord — around his hand.

Jordan said there was also some nerve damage to his ring finger, but they were able to remove his wedding band from the swollen finger without cutting it.

Police were still searching for the thief Tuesday.

“I certainly hope they catch the guy,” Jordan said. “I would hate to think that somebody else would have to go through this.”

Police have security footage from the Thursday theft and have obtained the serial number of the iPad from the Apple store.

As for Jordan, his larger bandages have been removed, and his stitches will be removed Friday.



  1. nancy April 20, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Someone will know who this thug and thief is – maybe they can just cut off his hand instead of him getting probation.

  2. Ant April 20, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    Why does there always have to be a racist on every blog!
    He just had to be a monkey , huh, quinj322?
    Why couldn’t he be a thug/theif as nancy suggested?

  3. Yourdaddy April 20, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    You are the real monkey, you Asssswippe!

  4. doc April 21, 2010 at 12:46 a.m.

    Don’t give monkeys a bad name. This guy was a spook. I’d cut his hand off for stealing, hope they get him. To Jordan, get better and my thoughts are with you. Think about carrying some self protection, myself, I always carry knives. I have been robbed twice, they got nothing, except a black eye. Take care. Thomas

  5. erikj April 21, 2010 at 2:28 a.m.

    Kind of like blaming a rape victim for dressing too sexy. But hey, you could learn a lesson from that Apple users: stop looking like douches with too much money.