Blogs claim to have pictures of new iPhone

Posted April 19, 2010 at 3:31 p.m.

Associated Press | Technology bloggers have posted photos of
what may be the next version of the iPhone. If the gadget is real,
Apple’s next iPhone could have a longer battery life and be used for
video chatting. Analysts expect an updated iPhone this summer.

AOL blog Engadget posted photos
of the device
over the weekend.
Gizmodo, a competing gadget blog, obtained the phone itself and
published details Monday. Both blogs say the phone was found in a
Silicon Valley bar.

Apple Inc. didn’t respond to messages seeking comment.

The pictures show a device with a black face and a single button. The
sides are squared, not curved like a current iPhone. The phone has a
front-facing camera that could be used for video conferencing. Gizmodo
found a bigger battery inside.



  1. Edgewater April 20, 2010 at 8:53 a.m.

    Great. Now we can watch self-absorbed yuppies video conference with other self-absorbed yuppies on the bus or L.

  2. Joshua April 20, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    If the phone was left there it’s because it was meant to be left there — sounds like some creative and cheap marketing coming out of the Apple people. Leave a carefully selected prototype in a bar in Silicon Valley and let the media do your selling for you.