Comcast to roll out name change Friday

Posted Feb. 10, 2010 at 9:38 a.m.

By Kristin Samuelson | Guess it wasn’t so Comcastic after all.

Comcast, the nation’s largest cable service, is rebranding itself as XFinity,
in an effort the company suggests is designed to produce a full image

The brand change starts rolling out Friday in Chicago and 10 other markets,
including Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.

Read the full story:



  1. drakebulldog31 Feb. 10, 2010 at 4:44 pm

    Different name…same lousy experience.

  2. Walter Miller Feb. 15, 2010 at 11:15 a.m.

    It is beyond me why a company thinks a name change will impore their immage. Just think for all the costs Colast (Comcast) has spen on advertisng, logos, and service trucks. Now all thats got to be change why? Becasue some CEO sitting in his Wall Street tower is oblivious to reality. The same comapny which brings you poor service, poor customer service, and expensive programing. Why alternate services such as Dish, Direct TV, and now AT&Ts U-Verse run rings around them and for much less cost. So go ahead do your expensive makeover and sock it to your subscribers. By the way the new name Xfinity reminds me of a phase Used in a Disney animation called Buzz Light Year … to XFinity and beyond.. Disney should sue for trademark violation. Also the previous entry by drakebulldog31 sums it up nicely.

  3. Scorpio Feb. 21, 2010 at 10:41 a.m.

    Comcast has a history of making many improvements in their services over the years. I think they are on the right track to advance their brand. For the previous post, it sounds like some folks need an attitude adjustment. I suggest they may also want to double-check their own comment posting (with 10 typos) before accusing others of “poor image”.